
Ladies Forum Event

24th Jun 2014
Bella Hoare and peninah Thomson

Our speaker at the latest Ladies' Forum was Peninah Thomson OBE, CEO of The Mentoring Foundation. Peninah opened her talk with the percentages of females who are non-exec and executive directors on the Boards of FTSE companies. Whilst the picture is improving, there is a long way to go!

Peninah's interest in women's representation in the Boardroom was first piqued following dissatisfaction with the way women were represented at a conference she attended. Over the following year, she and two other ladies she met at that conference researched the subject extensively.

Peninah subsequently worked with the Chairmen of various FTSE companies to highlight the issue and with their help developed the FTSE 100 Cross-Company Mentoring Executive Programme. This grew and grew and ultimately became The Mentoring Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation, of which Peninah became the inaugural Chief Executive. There are now more than sixty FTSE 100 Chairmen and Chief Executives mentoring female executives from just below Board level at another company, to help them become credible candidates for executive and non-executive Board positions.

The programme has proven to be highly successful and a version has been developed for 'next generation' women. As ever, it is the stories that add colour to any talk, and Peninah gave us plenty of interesting and amusing anecdotes from her experiences. There was a lively Q&A session following the talk with members of the audience sharing their own experiences.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014