As part of Alexander Hoare's Winter talk series, the Intermission Theatre in Education (ITIE), treated customers to a performance of Wasted (adapted from Julius Caesar).Read more

Effie Gray

The bank recently hosted a film preview of Effie Gray, a film directed by Richard Laxton and produced by Donald Rosenfeld and Andreas Roald. Donald Rosenfeld is the former president of Merchant Ivory Productions. The film is due for release later this year.Read more

23rd Jan 2014

The bank hosted an event on Thursday 23rd January, for around 100 trusted advisors and other key individuals within the industry.

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Robert Batt

Another fascinating talk at the Ladies' Forum - this time our speaker was Robert Batt (pictured).Read more

22nd May 2014
Lord Finkelstein of Pinner

The bank held it's third Entrepreneurs' Forum last night with guest speaker Lord Finkelstein of Pinner providing a fascinating insight in to the political landscape and his personal views on the ideas that will underpin the manifestos in the run up to the next General Election.Read more