
Thinkstock Image of Dollars and Washgton DC

Markets have recently taken on a slightly defensive air, with lower bond yields suggesting concern about economic growth.

However, in most instances economic news has confirmed the strengthening growth picture, with the most recent US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) release for the second...Read more

Alexander Hoare

Managing Partner Alexander Hoare publishes his Summer Letter to customers in which he discusses notable topics from the past few months and looks ahead.Read more

One Pound Note

Each month, the bank's archivist Pamela Hunter publishes an illustrated article which looks at a single item from our historical collections and the story behind it.Read more

Chinese flag

We believe that the authorities in China are now managing the change in orientation from an export led economy to a more balanced one, relying more on domestic demand. This will be an ongoing process. In the meantime improving global demand is still a significant factor in China’s ability to...Read more

Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett

Hoare's Bank customer and Philanthropist Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett talks about his great passions in life and how the bank's Master Charitable Trust Service has helped him with his own philanthropic goals.Read more